
The Next 30 Digital Years by Kevin Kelly  TED

Kevin Kelly is the founding executive editor of Wired magazine. „The Next 30 Digital Years” was given on July 14, 02016 as part of Long Now’s Seminar series. The series was started in 02003 to build a compelling body of ideas about long-term thinking from some of the world’s leading thinkers. The Seminars take place in San Francisco and are curated and hosted by Stewart Brand. Since the mid-01980s Kevin Kelly has been creating, and reporting on, the digital future. His focus is the long-term trends and social consequences of technology. Kelly’s new book, „THE INEVITABLE: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future”, is a grand synthesis of his thinking on where technology is heading in the next few decades, and how we can embrace it to maximize its benefits, and minimize its harms.